The Cosmomechanics

Decoding the nature with mathematics &Studying the life of greats !

Sunday, June 17, 2018

|| About The Blog! || CAT Logo | AIM | Writter ||

Hey There readers, I am Shreyash Undergraduate Science student from small town of Ayodhya India. Through this post i am going to explain you what comes into my mind when i was about to create this blog.

Title ?

i always see the world of science as a timeline or simply a movie from the very beginning to newton to Einstein & hawking. What ever i  learnt what ever i see i want to put everything somewhere i want to share it with others. So here i am sharing through my blog the working of nature &story of greats. 


when it comes to aim. i find that internet i filled with entertaining stuffs people love to get amused. But there are many who are using it to gain knowledge. Wikipedia is one of the finest platform for this &through this blog i want to share the amazing work functioning of nature by myself to those who are highly curious in it. Learning and sharing are the best things.

CAT Logo?

well for logo. I always see mathematics as the operating system of mother nature. This cat logo is inspired from scrodinger's cat. . 

 Austrian Physicist once working on quantum mechanics imagine that if we put a cat inside the box with a poison bomb which have 50% chance of getting exp load. then the chance of survival of the cat is 50-50. So before unboxing the cat is both dead and alive. the same is with quantum mechanical world the sub-atomic particles are both wave &particle and their existence is based on probability. The density of electron is replaced with probability density. this is the best example of mathematics in nature

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