The Cosmomechanics

Decoding the nature with mathematics &Studying the life of greats !

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Energy Levels of atomic orbit | Hydrogen like (single electron) vs multi electrons atom |

hey, visitors so here is a problem or i can say difference between single electron atom like hydrogen (H) He+ ,Li++ and other multi atoms like sulphur carbon.. take any of d-block

the energy levels differ in both cases and we will find out why !

the basic difference stand here is why bohr's model fails for multi-atoms ?

 because of the heisenberg uncertainty principle & the splitting orbital (the factor of today's case)

the splitting happen due to the repulsion of electrons and the difference between hydrogen and other multi-atom i also.

lets first start with hydrogen. 
 the energy chart of hydrogen like atom orbitals

2s energy level is similar to 2p and 3d < 4s but if this is true then why d-block elements or any heavy atom violate this kind of filling?

the answer is because they follow afbau principle  'building up' as we all know the electron filling happen from lower to higher energy levels

the energy chart of filling in multi- electron atoms.

confused don't  be in hydrogen or hydrogen like atoms there is only one force acting the positive charge of nucleus  that's why the difference between orbit and orbital is insignificant for hydrogen like atoms and 3d < 4s while in multi-atoms the repulsion of electrons are also present that makes big orbitals like d-orbital higly unstable. therefore the energy of 3d orbital is higher then 4s for multi atoms.  alright i hope you all got it :) :) !

keep visiting !

Saturday, June 23, 2018

How does the square of 0.1 is smaller than the number | The concept of unity explained

Hey visitors, this is the second post of the day and with the first problem that i faced when i was in 11th standard dealing with the mathematical functions and some how one day the answer strikes in my mind. I was the lucky boy and 3 years later now i am going to explain this to you all so let's get started.

so first of all we will take a number for convenience let's take 0.04 the square root is 0.2

so which number is bigger 0.04 or 0.2 obviously 0.2  but how ? 

and the square of 0.04 is 0.0016 same as the square is smaller then the number.

so you get the question now it's time for answer

let's first start with number concept natural numbers are the numbers found in nature except this all the numbers are there to define anything for example  -1,-2,-3... all the negative number means they are on the right side of co-ordinate axes

so what's with the number 0.01 ?

0.01 means that the number is 100 times smaller then the number which is taken as the standard or unit.

for example the S.I unit of the distance is meter soit is taken as unit 1 what about millimeter. It is something 1000times smaller then a meter so we can write it as 1/1000 of a meter or 0.001. this is the reason behind the existence of these decimal numbers.

so why the square is smaller ?

square,cube... generally refer to change in dimension of the number

for example 1m is 1000times larger then 1millimeter

so the square of 1m is the area of 1m^2 it's dimension is changed from length to area from 1D to 2D 

but the comparison scale is same now we are comparing an area of 1m^2 to an area of 1mm^2 

which is 10^6 or 1 million times smaller then the area of 1m^2 .

that means it took 1million  1mm^2 square box to make an area of 1 m^2

this is the only reason why the square is smaller because decimal scale are made to compare thing with unity 1mm is 1000times smaller then 1m in length comparison while 1mm^2 is 1million times smaller then 1m^2  for cube it will be 1billion times and so on...

i hope this diagram will explode your imagination 

Thanks for reading!

Friday, June 22, 2018

The Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry | Get Rid From Learning | Part 1

Hey There readers i am not guarantying you that you will become a great chemist after reading the article but the article is based on the fundamentals of the inorganic chemistry so you will be able to understand it upto some extent and then it's just practice and some bit you have to memories the results so let's get started.

The Inorganic chemistry deals with few basic fundamental reaction types and compounds like Oxides,Acids,Bases &Salts. let's start with types of reaction.

Carefully Read The Article and then go back to s-block,p-block reactions you will be able to understand the reactions there.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1.Combination Reactions: 

A + B = C 

We all know about it  with general example of 

C + O2 ----> CO2 

Either A or B or both should be in elemental form for such reaction to be redox.

2.Decomposition Reactions:

opposit of combination reaction with few things to note !!

CaCO3 ----> CaO + CO2

1.This reaction is reversible and generally the prepration of calcium carbonate & calcium oxide (quick lime) which releases a great amount of co2 in the atmosphere

2.The reaction is not a redox reaction neither it's reverse since CaO &CO2 both are not in elemental form which is require for combination reaction.

Important: different element shows different kind of decomposition Li (lithium) nitrate 

LiNO3 ---->  2Li2O + 4NO2 + O2

While (Na to Cs)

  decompose to give following nitrite
 Now see S-Block

3.Displacement Reactions: 


X + YZ = XZ + Y

generally a metaluugical reaction also used in electrochemistry also the fundametal of most reactions.

The reaction of metals with mineral acid  the metal &non-metal displacement

1.Reaction with Mineral acid: HCl

Fe + 2HCl ---> FeCl2 + H2(g)

while Au (gold) Ag(silver) do not react with hydrochloric acid

2.Metal &Non-Metal displacement:
CuSO4 + Zn ---> Cu + ZnSO4 

All alkali metals with some alkaline earth metals  (Ca,Sr &Ba) are very good reductants which displace hydrogen even from cold water

                                                         Ca + 2H20 --> Ca(OH)2 + H2              

                                                           4.Disproportionation reaction:

unstable or the compound which are not in highest oxidation state disproportionate into stable form
                                              4H3PO3 ------------> 3H3PO4 + PH3

 H3po3 in which phosphorus has the oxidation state of +3 disproportionate into higher and lower        oxidation state +5 and -3 this is the general criteria of dispoportionation.

some facts of dispoportionation reaction:

1. Fluorine cannot exhibit + oxidation state hence it does not show a disproportionation tendency

2. In the following oxo-chloride ClO(-) , ClO2(-),ClO3(-) & ClO4(-)

ClO4(-) does not disproportionate because the oxo anion chlorine is in highest state (+7)


                                            ClO2- (+3) ----> 4ClO3- (+5) + 2Cl- (-1)

                                                     ClO3(-) will break in +7 &-1

                                    so that's it for today will post a second part soon 

i hope this post help u all in some extent after reading the article go and see your s-p block reactions it will work i hope you all like it keep visiting keep exploring !!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Measuring Earth's radius in greek style || Maths+Sun rays

Here we go today i am going to explain How To Measure Earth's radius ? 

you just need a mountain & stop watch  don't able to afford a mountain alright just know the distance between two cities confused by the end of the article you will be able to understand everything just relaxed. So let's get started

Around the time 275BC there lived a greek Mathematician by the name of Eratosthenes born in cyrene (Modern day Libya).

So How Eratosthenes calculated earth's radius ?

Eratosthenes calculated the distance by the help of knowing the distance between two cities of egypt syene & Alexandria which is about 500 stadia (~ 800km) approx. from each other &these assumptions.

1.Syene is at the tropic of cancer (sun rays straight overhead)
2.The earth is a perfect sphere
3. The alexandria is due north of syene
4.The sun rays coming to earth are parallel

so 7/360 is equals to 800km of the circumference.

By this Eratosthenes able to calculate The circumference hence The radius of earth.

Which was not accurate at that time later other mathematician were able to calculate it.

Fun Fact you can see the sun rise 2 times if you are lying on a beach and suddenly sun started coming into the horizon just pop up frequently you will see the sun rise again !!

At the end Thank you Eratosthenes (276-194) BC and thanks for reading !!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Science Behind Pikachu's Thunderbolt explained !!

When i was a lil kid back in early 20's and pokemon was my fav toon at that time. I was younger then i want my own pokemons like Ash but then i was told these are imaginary toons they don't exist in real life. 
but some how can this be possible the thunderbolt attack of pikachu makes any sense ?
the answer is yes even there are some creature's in nature that show similarity to it.

Q.Why pikachu don't get electrocuted ?? 

Q. How pikachu manage to produce such large amount of current?

Pikachu performing Thunderbolt

Let's leave pikachu for a while and concentrate on a creature that exist in real life and performs thunderbolt by itself i am talking about the electric eel

The question's are same ? How ?

this topic is now going to be explained by The concept of electrical circuit, so let's do some physics

Electric eel in Amazon

Some data's

1.Electrical eel's are able to generate current with biological cells called electroplaques which are physiological emf devices.

2. Each electroplaque has an emf of 0.15V & internal resistance (r) of 0.25 ohm

3.The water surrounding it has an resistance R = 800 ohm

4.The body of eel have 5000+ rows and 100+ column 140 in this case

As you see it is making itself a circuit.

Total emf of the row

Emf (E) = 5000X0.15V =750V

The total resistance along the row is the sum of the internal resistance of 5000 electroplaques

R(row) = 5000X0.25ohm = 1250ohm

Now the total resistance between  the tail &head is
Now circuit in parallel
R(eq) = 140/R(row) = 1250/140 = 8.93 ohm

now applying Kirchhoff's second law of close loop counter clockwise to find the current produced

1.E(row) - iR(water) - iR(eq) = 0

i = E(row)/R(water) + R(eq) = 750/800=8.93 = 0.93 A

This much overall current is generated by eel !!!!

since all the rows are identical, the current into and out is eventually divided among them 

i(row) = i/140 = 0.927/140 = 0.0066 A

2.which is very feeble current hence the eel don't feel any kind of shock itself.
the same concept can be applied in case of pikachu small pores generate current from identicals row's which get summed into massive thunderbolt.

guys i tried my level best to explain this so if you find it hard you need a good concept of kirchhoff's law and circuit i will create a pdf on it to explain you all in details soon.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

|| About The Blog! || CAT Logo | AIM | Writter ||

Hey There readers, I am Shreyash Undergraduate Science student from small town of Ayodhya India. Through this post i am going to explain you what comes into my mind when i was about to create this blog.

Title ?

i always see the world of science as a timeline or simply a movie from the very beginning to newton to Einstein & hawking. What ever i  learnt what ever i see i want to put everything somewhere i want to share it with others. So here i am sharing through my blog the working of nature &story of greats. 


when it comes to aim. i find that internet i filled with entertaining stuffs people love to get amused. But there are many who are using it to gain knowledge. Wikipedia is one of the finest platform for this &through this blog i want to share the amazing work functioning of nature by myself to those who are highly curious in it. Learning and sharing are the best things.

CAT Logo?

well for logo. I always see mathematics as the operating system of mother nature. This cat logo is inspired from scrodinger's cat. . 

 Austrian Physicist once working on quantum mechanics imagine that if we put a cat inside the box with a poison bomb which have 50% chance of getting exp load. then the chance of survival of the cat is 50-50. So before unboxing the cat is both dead and alive. the same is with quantum mechanical world the sub-atomic particles are both wave &particle and their existence is based on probability. The density of electron is replaced with probability density. this is the best example of mathematics in nature

Saturday, June 16, 2018

|| Pioneers of Islamic goldern era | | Discoveries &contributions

Hey mates, this is my first post in this blog i am a blogger since 2011 and i am continuing my stuff in 2018 with new idea.

I am not a historian but know lil bit about the stuff. The islamic golden age lie somewhere from 8th century CE - 13th century CE. Th Empire expand from Arabian peninsula through Saharan Africa to Spain & portugal.The era believes in equality debate &logic the jew and catholics were also invited at baghdad to represent themselves. The vision were right and the open culture of islam was almost 600 years ahead of europe.

We witness some of the all time greats scientists &mathematicians here are some list of them

1. Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (780-850) CE

Born: khwarezm (Modern Iran)

Ever wondered who brought the Hindu-Arabic numerals to europe to replace the less accurate roman numerals. Yes the answer is al-khwarizmi.
His approach to solve the linear and quadratic problems led to the discovery of algebra.
his contribution on the working with Hindu numerals introduces Europe & middle east to algorithm.
The polymath is the father of modern algebra and algorithm. He has also contributed with accurate maps & estimate the size of the earth Around 1200 ago when Europeans were uncivilized al-khwarizmi built the first map of the earth.

2. Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) 945-1040 CE

Born: Basra,Iraq

The Father of Modern Optics The man who invented the first camera and my Favorite in the era. also known as the first true scientist.

during the period the old greek philosophy led the scientific world with the first true scientific experiment. He was the one who argue the fact on how we see things. He explained that the sun rays strikes any object reflected through it straight into our eyes so we able to see things.

Alhazen spend most of his life in cairo, egypt where he was given an administrative position but unable to fulfill his duties he was punished. To save himself from execution he show that he is sick and given a 10 years house arrest where he started observing the positions of stars and their locations.

during his life time he has written over 45 books & much more things which are another days topic.

for now thank you to the polymath

3. Jabir ibn Hayyan (721-815) CE

BORN: Tus, khurasan [Modern Day Iran]


Ever wondered how Alcohol Aldehyde , sulphur gets it's name well the answer is From the Arab In hayyam was the one who discovered the industrial gold sulphuric acid (H2S04) & Nirtic Acid (HNO3) Which use in modern day project the industrial strenght of any country.

There are a list of great philosopher,mathematician,surgeon's physicist and chemist. Some Honorable mentions are: 

  Omar Khayyam (1048–1131) mathematician &philosopher 

al-Zahawi (936–1013)  The First true surgeon

Ending: As i told you early i am not a historian the curiosity in science forced me to write this article i hope you all find it worthy keep visiting :) ;)!